In this my new year 2019, I have been working on a variety of new ventures:
1. Finishing Projects:
- A friend and I started a block of the month quilt called Year in the Garden in 2002. We never finished it and for a number of reasons, it got shelved. We recently dug it out again and are getting to the last bits that need to be done, the applique. This quilt has star blocks in a diamond arrangement with a large open centre that features a large amount of applique. Looking at the design now I find that my tastes have changed and I am opting for a more minimalist approach which means that it might finally get done!
- There is some progress on my artwork – I am finally finishing the stitching on my latest portrait, affectionately called “the hockey boys”. I have called it that so often it may even end up being the name of the quilt! It takes a lot of time to sew down all those little pieces of fabric, but I am sticking at it. Even 15 minutes a day helps to make progress.
Starting Projects
- I created a new Facebook group called Fabric Faces as a gathering spot for those interested in creating fabric portraits. We have been having a lot of fun so far!
Included is some information on posterizing your photographs (in the files) and we recently had a challenge on the effective use of value in a portrait quilt.
The FB Live that I did as a summary of the challenge on value is now posted on my FB page.
- Launching Facial Expressions
the online portrait workshop. Read all the details here.
This workshop starts next Saturday, January 26, 2019, and registration is now open. I am offering a discount of 35% off to those interested, and who contact me by midnight Wednesday, January 23, 2019.
I will send you a discount coupon that you can use when you sign up for the workshop before midnight January 25, 2019.
Plans for the rest of the year
My plans for this year are:
- To do more dyeing of fabric in different skin tones
- Focus on creating more art
- Have fun in my FB group!
- Spend more time with my hubby
- Try screen printing and particularly deconstructed screen printing
What are your plans for the year? COmment and let me know!