Enlarging and Printing a Photo at Home – the MAC Version

Enlarging and Printing a Photo at Home – the MAC Version



A number of people asked me about enlarging and printing a photo at home with a MAC computer after I posted on this blog about this process on a PC.


There are several ways to accomplish this task!

  1. Drag your photo to Safari. Then, open the print dialog box. Use the scale box and add the percentage that you want to scale the photo. It will print it across enough pages to make your image the size that you have requested. There are percentage scale calculators on the internet.
  2. Another way is to use a photo program called Photoscape X which is a free download. I tried the Windows version and assume that the MAC version is very similar. I feel that I can say this having watched several videos on this program (MAC version) on YouTube.

Here is what you need to do to resize a photo in Photoscape X: 


  1. Open your photo in Photoscape X in the Editor.
  2. Choose Edit – Resize. Depending on what measurement system you use you may want to change the sizing to inches from the default millimeters.
  3. Change the size of your photo to your desired size. Click Apply.
  4. Save your photo to the original folder. Rename the file if you don’t want to overwrite your original photo!


There are at least 2 options:


This is program is a free download. 

It allows you to save your photo as a PDF which can be printed on multiple pages.

Split Print

Go to the MAC App Store and look for Split Print.

The app costs $8.49. It allows you to print an enlarged photo over multiple pages on your home computer.

Comments welcome!  I would love to hear from MAC users about whether this process works for them! 


If you would like a copy of this article as a PDF click here.


3 thoughts on “Enlarging and Printing a Photo at Home – the MAC Version

  1. Anne

    Here’s my method: A pdf file can be printed over multiple pages from the print dialogue box. No additional software needed. And a pdf file can be created from the jpg using mac’s own Preview, by simply ‘saving as’ a pdf.


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