Tag Archives: mind set

Getting Started the Right Way

Starting something new can be tough. You’re not sure where to start or what to do. It is the great unknown.

Will I be able to do it?

What materials will I need?

Will this be more than I can handle?

What are the steps inthe process?

This photo represents fear and confusion of starting something new.

It is amazing what runs through your head and stops you from even trying.

That little voice that says “you can’t do it, you will fail, no point in trying”, or worse yet “you’ll never be able to do it”. This nasty little voice is often called the “inner critic”.

Dealing with the Fear of Starting

A really good book that I recommend reading is “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers, where she addresses this problem. Jeffers states that to deal with this fear you need to train your mind to respond differently.

The key is to realize that at the basis of all fears is the thought that I can’t handle it or I am not capable of doing it.

Jeffers also states that it is normal to feel fear when we are about to try something new because it is unfamiliar to us. That we will feel fear as long as we grow.

We need to be able to develop trust in ourselves. Watch out for the When/then thoughts. These run along the lines of “When I have done or feel x, then I will…..” This puts roadblocks in the way of moving forward.

The other thing to watch out for is wish-washy self-talk. For example “I hope…. or Perhaps I…” rather than “I am looking forward to… or I will…”.  These final words are more definite and indicate that you are taking responsibility for your actions.

The only way to feel better is to go out and try it, whether it is learning to dance, trying a new technique, taking a class in an area that will require you to stretch, or anything else new. If you don’t try, you will remain stuck and never find out whether you really could do it!

It is freeing and exhilarating just to try something new and to be able to say “I did it!”

Photo represents accomplishment.

An example

Quilters state that the greatest challenges with creating fabric portraits are “getting started” and “fear of not making a realistic portrait“.

Here is a way to get around that fear. The Facial Expressions workshop is a step-by-step program that helps students to progress from selecting a photograph to having a finished portrait.

It includes group and individual support and walks you through where and how to start.

Then with guided steps, you work toward creating your realistic family heirloom portrait that you will be proud to hang on your wall.

And you don’t need to know how to draw!  So no fears there!

Are you up for trying something new?