Painting with Fabric

One of my portraits in fabric of a little girl sitting on a doorstep. - Valerie Wilson

Violet – Valerie Wilson 2015.

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Now available on Amazon!

My new book – Quilted Faces – An introduction to Fabric Portraits



My Current Series of Vintage Portraits

When Valerie Wilson sees people in an old photograph, she wonders what lives those people lived, and why they chose to have a photo taken at that moment in time. She is drawn in by the character written in these people’s faces, their gestures, and posture.

Working with vintage black and white or sepia photographs allows Valerie to imagine the lives of these people, and to choose what details, and colours, best express my vision. Her love of researching the era of the photographs and the clothing styles give her further insight and a glimpse into past lives. Valerie uses these elements as a starting point for a composition that brings these people to life.

As the work is created, fabrics are carefully chosen for their ability to mimic both dimension and texture. A finishing touch is machine stitching to add fine details and depth to the composition.

Valerie combines a love of history, and a curiosity about people from the past, to capture character in fabric.

Please contact me, or check out my gallery if you would like to know more about my work.

For interesting articles go to my blog.


Feature article – September 2020



Valerie Wilson loves to teach quilters how to create their own personal masterpieces.

Are you wanting to take an online course or workshop?

Guilds/shops or other groups: Interested in having me teach classes or workshops, click here.

Facebook group: Join this group of fabric portrait enthusiasts on Facebook – Fabric Faces